Collaborative Divorce | Collaborative Law
Montgomery County | Bucks County | Philadelphia County
- Looking for an alternative to emotional costs of litigation in resolving your family law dispute?
- Do you want to have more input into the outcome or resolution of your divorce or family law issue?
- Are you worried about the stress and harm that will come to your children from a protracted fight over child custody and other family law matters?
Collaborative law may provide the alternative dispute resolution you seek. The collaborative law process is fairly new and is built on a foundation of having the parties work together to resolve conflict. With family and divorce law, the collaborative process allows the parties to work toward a mutual agreement that everyone can live with.
You and your collaborative law divorce attorneys all sign an agreement that states that if the collaborative law process does not work, then none of the participating attorneys can represent you in litigation. This agreement ensures that everyone is working toward resolution of your family law or divorce matter.
The collaborative law process (sometimes referred to as “collaborative divorce”) has several potential benefits over traditional divorce litigation, including:
- The collaborative law process is typically more emotionally cost-effective than litigation, and can also be financially cost-effective (depending on your circumstances)
- The collaborative law process provides you with the opportunity to decide what is in the best interests of your children and you, rather than leaving those decisions to a judge who doesn’t really know you or your children
- The collaborative law process is more private and allows for a private agreement rather than a public hearing with a public record
- The collaborative law process is less stressful on you and your children
- If you have children, you will need to be able to interact and communicate with their other parent at family functions, such as graduations, marriages, etc. The collaborative process will help establish a communication process and foster the ability to work together deciding issues related to your children
Experienced Jenkintown Collaborative Divorce Attorney and Family Lawyer
We have extensive experience handling family law and divorce matters utilizing the collaborative law process. Attorney Joanne Kleiner is one of the pioneers in this new and innovative method of resolving disputes in an efficient and cost effective manner. In addition to her more than 35 years as a practicing family law attorney, she is also a certified mediator who has been involved with numerous child custody mediations, one of the biggest points of contention in any divorce.
Ms. Kleiner is also a member of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) and the Bucks County Collaborative Law Group, which advocate for the use of collaborative practices as a method of creating a client-centered process for resolving conflict.
For additional information about our qualities and qualifications, please visit our Benefits of Retaining page.
Contact a Skilled Jenkintown Collaborative Law Divorce Attorney
For additional information about the collaborative law process and how it may benefit you, or to discuss your particular situation and learn about your options, please schedule a confidential consultation with divorce and collaborative law attorney Joanne Kleiner by calling us at 215-886-1266. Or, fill out our intake form and we will contact you. The decisions you make today really will affect your future. Let us help you make those decisions intelligent and informed.
Visit the Collaborative Law Professionals of Southeastern Pennsylvania‘s website.
Keeping you focused on the big picture and the issues that matter most…
Law Office of Joanne E. Kleiner.