It is never an easy decision to come to terms with the fact that you may want to file for divorce, although the decision that you make immediately after that one such as selecting the date that you will actually move forward with the divorce petition is one that mandates more strategic considerations. Your filing date for divorce impacts many different financial aspects of the final divorce settlement because it is the formal beginning of the legal process for divorce.
The right lawyer can walk you through each stage of your case so that you know whether or not now is right for you. Divorce is so personal that it helps to have someone who cares about your best interests.
Your date of filing might also impact your children and you psychologically. There is no one right answer to when is the right time to file for divorce in Pennsylvania, however, for people who have opted already to divorce over the holiday season or in the fall, the answer for them is often January. There are numerous different reasons why January comes out on top as one of the most popular months for people to initiate a divorce petition. First of all, the holidays are finished in January.
Parents may help children cope and adjust to the transition of divorce by keeping as much stability as possible during the holiday season. It can represent significant challenges and emotional problems for children who are in the midst of a sudden divorce with their parents during the holidays. The holidays are usually a busy time for families with children and this makes it all the more important and also challenging to maintain the necessary stable environment.
If you and your spouse have not yet separated asking for your kids to suddenly deal with you in separate houses during the holidays can be stressful and confusing. This can also lead to questions about who will see the children when. If it is possible for you to stay under one roof peacefully during this time, you may do so for your children’s sake.
Another reason that many people consider filing for divorce in Pennsylvania in January is because the year-end bonus may be in the bank. If you or your spouse gets a bonus from your employer every December, filing for divorce in January clarifies that all income over the previous year, such as year-end work bonuses, is classified as marital property. Other common reasons for people to consider waiting for January has to do with planning for the new tax year and New Year’s resolutions.
The fresh perspective on the change of the year could cause you to finally make the decision to initiate a divorce petition after consulting with an experienced divorce attorney. The perspective of new year’s resolutions may lead you to reflect back on your life and think about whether or not the marriage is capable of being salvaged. With numerous different tax implications involved in a divorce, finishing out the year before rearranging the finances between two different households is often a practical decision.
No matter when you decide to move forward with a divorce, scheduling a consultation with an experienced Pennsylvania divorce lawyer is strongly recommended to give you a clear understanding of what is required of you as well as any necessary steps you should take to protect yourself as you move forward in the legal system. There are many different details to keep track of but you can increase your likelihood of success by working directly with a lawyer who can advise you about all of the things you need to consider before initiating your divorce petition.
At the Law Office of Joanne E. Kleiner, we have more than 25 years of family law experience. We’ll help you stay focused on what matters. To schedule an appointment with an experienced Pennsylvania divorce attorney, contact our office online or call us at 215-886-1266.