After over a year of failed negotiation attempts, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s divorce turns into an ugly heated battle as Demi claims entitlement to an eight-figure amount, including a $10 million payout Ashton earned post-split.
In some divorce cases, the spouses are able to somehow put their differences aside and amicably come to agreement to resolve their disputes. On the other hand, there are some spouses who refuse to be civil and cooperate with the other, and in doing so, create further conflict and emotions that get in the way of settling the divorce. Such high-conflict and emotional divorces unfortunately tend to be the norm and can be extremely heated, lengthy and expensive, often hindering the spouses from making rational decisions that are in their best interests.
It is important to remember the repercussions a high-conflict divorce can have on other people and family members, especially children. In order to minimize the negative effects divorce has on everyone involved, one should always try their best to keep their cool and avoid conflict as much as possible. One way to do so is to minimize or control the contact and communication between the spouses. Also, it is beneficial to the overall process if all communications and meetings are done on neutral ground and at the control of legal representation for both parties.
For additional information about Pennsylvania family law or the divorce process, or to discuss your particular situation and learn about your options, please schedule a confidential consultation with attorney Joanne Kleiner by calling us at 215-886-1266. Or, fill out our intake form and we will contact you. The decisions you make today really will affect your future. Let us help you make those decisions intelligent and informed.