How to Manage Your Emotions Through a Divorce
In 2017, there were 32,777 divorces or annulments in Pennsylvania, which is a 171% increase since 1950. Marriages, on the other hand, have been on the decline with an 18.25% decrease since 1950. You must learn how to manage your emotions through a divorce to ease the process and allow yourself to heal faster once the legal process is complete.
Write in a Journal Every Day
Journaling doesn’t get as much credit as it deserves; it’s an effective way of managing your emotions. Many people who try journaling are pleasantly surprised at the positive impact it has on their mental health and their lives. Writing how you feel lets you get the emotion out in a healthy way. Journaling prevents you from suppressing the emotions as well. Suppressing emotions is damaging because they stay in your subconscious where they will negatively affect you, often without your awareness. These hidden emotions can lead to self-sabotage.
See a Therapist

If you try these tips and find that you’re still struggling to handle your emotions, then you’ll need the help of a therapist. Don’t feel embarrassed or reluctant about seeing a therapist. Counseling doesn’t mean that you have a mental disorder. People can see a therapist whenever they need extra guidance in overcoming life’s hardships.
Celebrities and athletes receive therapy for various reasons whether it’s overcoming childhood trauma or working toward reaching the next level of success. Examples of techniques that may be used to help you without medication are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing.
Stay Focused on the Legal Process
Resist the urge to get revenge on your spouse, and focus on the legal process instead. Some people find it helpful to count down the days until the divorce is finalized or until they can move out into their own place. Keep all important documents and information organized to minimize your stress and to ensure you get the best deal possible. You don’t want to forget to iron out a detail because you were too caught up in your emotions. Lawyers can help you stay focused on the legal process.
The Law Office of Joanne Kleiner has a Jenkintown divorce lawyer you can consult with to learn what you need to know about divorce in Pennsylvania. Divorce law differs from state to state, so it’s a good idea to communicate with a Pennsylvania divorce attorney.
Learn How to Respond Instead of React
Wait until you’ve calmed down before talking to your spouse. This helps you avoid yelling or talking rudely. You’ll minimize how many fights you have by no longer allowing yourself to react in the moment when you feel angry. Learn how to deal with your anger in a healthy way. You don’t want to lash out at others, but you don’t want to suppress your emotions either.
Ideas for dealing with your anger include:
- Kickboxing classes
- Walking or running
- Weight training
- Going to the park to enjoy the greenery
- Drawing, painting, or any other artistic activity
- Writing poetry
- Writing about how you feel
- Deep breathing exercises
- Getting a massage
- Meditating
- Reframing
- Developing a positive mindset
Have the Mindset of a Victor Instead of a Victim
Some people hold themselves back by getting stuck in a victim mindset. Yes, you were wronged, and you were treated unfairly. You can acknowledge that and allow yourself to feel your emotions. The key is to not dwell too long on those feelings because they harm your quality of life. Some people find themselves struggling to have a good relationship after the divorce because they didn’t let go of these emotions.
Another problem with the victim mindset is it gives away your power. When you choose to make yourself the victor, you reclaim and protect your power. You also open your mind to new possibilities in overcoming the problems that you’re experiencing when you adopt a mindset of being in control of your life.
Experiment with these tips on managing emotions during a divorce to find what works for you. A combination of techniques is best for managing your emotions. Each person is different, so maybe painting doesn’t work for you but kickboxing does. Trying new things is fun and helps to get your mind off of the divorce while relieving your stress.
Contact the Law Office of Joanne Kleiner today at (215) 886-1266 for a free confidential consultation with a Jenkintown divorce lawyer.