Judge Roderic Duncan, a member of the California judiciary since 1975, is also the author of A Judge’s Guide to Divorce: Uncommon Advice from the Bench (published in 2007). A former appointee to the California Municipal Court, he was elected to the California Superior Court in 1987, where he served until his retirement in 1995. He maintains a practice providing mediation and private judging services.
A Step-by-Step Guide
Judge Duncan’s book walks men and women through the divorce process, and provides useful tools to help you resolve all disputes involved in or related to a divorce, often without going to court. The book will help you:
- Understand the basic laws and procedures governing divorce, custody and visitation, support and property settlements
- Know where to start to get legal representation, if you need it
- Ways that you can settle a divorce dispute without the time and expense of a trial or court proceedings
- How to dress for and act in court
- What you can expect with respect to the equitable distribution of marital property
- How to most effectively resolve custody and visitation issues, in ways that minimize the impact on minor children
- Knowing what to do if your ex is not in compliance with the divorce decree
- Finding ways to put your past marriage and your divorce behind you
The book includes an audio CD, so that you can listen to an interview with the author, as well as role plays that can help if you have to go to court.
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