A Happier Divorce Is Possible Through Mediation
Most divorce cases are actually settled out of court; only 5% go to trial. Divorce statistics show that nearly 90% of divorces that are mediated are settled successfully. Did you ever think of hiring a divorce mediation lawyer to make your divorce go more smoothly?
What Does Mediation Do?
Some think that settlement of issues is easier through an unbiased mediator who strives to have the two people reach an agreement. Divorce often brings up feelings of anger, but resentment and finger-pointing can actually make a divorce more expensive. Without the fighting, a more peaceful divorce is possible. As one of the most frequently used methods of navigating divorce, mediation has much in its favor. In fact, most divorce cases are settled out of court.
You’ll be meeting with a specially trained third party who is neutral. This mediator will work to help you resolve any issues that are related to the divorce. A quicker resolution with less stress and expense is the objective. Couples have the final say, which gives them ultimate control over any agreements. It is an effective alternative to having the final word on the subject handed down by a judge.
Improved communication is the goal of mediation. The divorcing couple works with a neutral mediator who helps both parties come to a thorough agreement on various aspects of their divorce. It is often easier on the children since fights in court are eliminated. The couple divorcing may use a mediator lawyer or someone else well versed in divorce and family law. This method has several advantages, including:
- Confidentiality is ensured.
- Legal advice is still available.
- The process is less expensive.
- You and spouse control the process.
- Mediation promotes clearer understanding.
Moreover, a mediated divorce is private where a divorce requiring litigation is open to the public.
Mediation Is Confidential
Often beginning with a phone call, the mediator will speak with you to get information regarding the family, your marriage and the issues at hand. At the first meeting, you may be asked to sign a confidentiality agreement. This might occur in a conference room or a comfortable office space. Everyone may be in the same room, or you may be meeting separately to discuss the issues in private.
Mediation Does Not Work for Everyone
If domestic violence is involved in the marriage, mediation probably isn’t the path to take. In addition, a mediator cannot order payments. Someone who wants to delay the proceedings or avoid paying support can be abusive of the process. They might agree to mediation in order to stall the divorce. In fact, if you are in search of decisions about support or other issues that need to be made early in your divorce, a court ruling may be the answer.
With an inexperienced mediator or one who is biased in favor of one side, this process may not work. A poorly drafted agreement can be challenged, so it is important to find a mediation lawyer with a thorough knowledge of family and divorce law.
Who Does Mediation Work Best For?
Two people who are able to show up and work toward compromise are the best candidates for mediation. At the start, you may not agree on certain points, but you should not give up on the process. When both parties are committed to it, this method can often resolve issues that seemed impossible to settle amicably.
Without the fighting, both you and your spouse could be happier, even through a divorce. Moreover, the effect of a peaceful divorce is better for your children and their happiness in the long run. When everyone is on board and committed, this settlement process is a powerful tool.
If you are thinking of hiring a divorce mediation lawyer for the dissolution of your marriage, give the Law Office of Joanne Kleiner in Jenkintown, PA, a call. You can reach us at (215) 886-1266 or send a fax to (215) 886-2670.