How to Select a Lawyer for Your Collaborative Divorce
Multiple methods can be used to obtain a divorce, and each one requires different skills and experience on the part of the lawyer who assists you. If you are seeking a process that is less confrontational than litigation and allows you to work with your estranged spouse in a respectful manner, you might want to opt for a collaborative divorce. As part of this, you will want to select an attorney who has significant prior experience in this type of matter.
The Collaborative Divorce Process
A collaborative divorce is an alternative dispute resolution method that couples can use when they want to resolve their issues without going to court. If they choose to go this route, they work with professionals such as their respective lawyers as well as financial analysts and mental health experts to reach solutions to the issues that both parties can be satisfied with. Spouses commit to attempting to resolve their issues out of court by signing an agreement. The agreement also includes a provision that if the collaborative divorce process fails, neither lawyer will be allowed to represent their client in court during any ensuing litigation.
Start With Recommendations and Reviews
When you begin looking for a divorce lawyer to work with you in your collaborative divorce, you can ask friends and family members for recommendations. You can also speak to other law professionals who might have suggestions for you. Finally, you should read reviews of different collaborative lawyers to gain a sense of their work and help you decide to set up initial consultations.

The Importance of Experience
One of the most important things you will want to find out about is the collaborative lawyer’s experience. To do this, you might inquire about their successful experience with clients who used the collaborative process for divorce and about any current cases that they might be handling. This conversation can help you figure out the lawyer’s commitment to resolving divorce issues out of court as well as their ability to address any challenges that might arise during the process.
Looking for the Right Background
Experience is not the only crucial factor when choosing a lawyer for your collaborative divorce. You will also want to look at their education and any specialized training that can show you how they developed their collaborative skills. Specialized training might include having completed a course specific to collaborative divorce from a reputable organization. You might also want to look at any on-going training that shows that they are staying current with the process and any legislation involving collaborative divorce.
Relationships With Other Professionals
Divorce often includes other areas that must be addressed during the process. This might mean sessions with a therapist or life coach or the assistance of finance professionals during the division of property and settlement negotiations. If your divorce attorney has built relationships with other professionals who might be needed during the process, this can help make the proceedings smoother and more efficient.
Your Initial Consultation
Once you have narrowed your choices for a potential attorney, you should set up initial meetings with each of them. During these meetings, you can evaluate several things beyond their experience and training to help you make a final decision, including:
- Compatibility with your personality and your goals
- The way they approach the process
- Their ability to answer questions in a knowledgeable and open manner
- The way they communicate, including their style and response time
If you are ready to begin your search for an experienced Pennsylvania collaborative divorce lawyer, you can call us at 215-886-1266 to set up an initial consultation at our office in Jenkintown. We are ready to listen to your questions and offer you personalized service and attention. At the Law Office of Joanne Kleiner, we are committed to helping you achieve your goals.
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